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We offer you more than 1,400 product references specialising in waste sorting solutions and sanitary equipment.

Our brand

Since 1896, Rossignol, a French company, has been designing, manufacturing and distributing solutions for waste sorting, waste collection and sanitary equipment, assisting you throughout your life.

In partnership with 3000 customers who distribute our 1500 product references, we are present throughtout France and across Europe. Rossignol is made up of 100 employees covering such areas as production, logistics, product development, quality control, sales and customer support. A company where all employees, women and men, benefit from the same opportunities to grow and advance their careers. Our 2023 Gender Equality Index score is 96/100.

Our Rossignol Pro collection brings together 1407 expert and complementary solutions in our 4 fields: waste sorting, Urban Furniture, Interior and Sanitary.
Whether you are in towns or cities, at work, walking in a park or in your gym, Rossignol improves your everyday environments. We innovate every day to encourage our customers and users to take action for the cleanliness of our living spaces.

Our Rossignol Maison collection brings together 254 complementary solutions to meet the new decoration trends in kitchens, bathrooms and ancillary rooms. The wide range of colours will brighten up your environments and our waste sorting products will meet your expectations.

Every day, we think about our planet by designing and manufacturing products from materials that are recyclable for life so that they can be reused or broken for a second life.

Our Pro and Maison collections confirm our choice to defend French manufacturing, in keeping with our history and contributing each day to the success of the ROSSIGNOL brand.